Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Allotment Photos

Having an allotment is hard work . . . and then one day the rewarding part comes when we come home laden with goodies - this week it's been carrots, beetroot, courgettes, radishes, lettuce, peas, broad beans, potatoes, runner beans, the end of the broccoli and beginning of the tomatoes.
Some of these have been plentiful, others rather sparse, but they've still made an excellent stir fry and lots of home-made soup.
 When the digging had just started, Spring last year.

After much hard work the half plot nearly cleared, the shed's up:

then: lots of seeds in and everything beginning to sprout:

That was all last year and we had quite a good crop.

Now this year: Yesterday's haul from the allotment - all this plus potatoes, onions and spinach.

So it's now worth all the hard work, dirt and worry.

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