Thursday 10 April 2014

I bought some strawberries in the market this week - and then couldn't think what to do with them. Then remembered that when the children were small I used to make ice cream.  So here's the recipe:

Fruit Ice Cream

300ml  double cream (shape cream will do)
100ml caster sugar
2 egg whites
10ml lemon juice
3ml vanilla essence
225g strawberries or similar

  1. Whip cream
  2. Whip egg whites with sugar
  3. Add other ingredients
  4. Add fruit
  5. Put into freezer.  

To make plain ice cream put in more sugar and use the egg yolks as well, here's the method:
  1. Mix eggs and sugar
  2. Whip cream
  3. Mix these two together
  4. Whip egg whites, add salt, lemon juice vanilla.
  5. Put all ingredients togethr.
  6. Freeze

In order to make the ice cream I needed some cream, so despatched other half to buy some on his travels this morning.  I asked for 300ml, but as the cream came in cartons containing 297ml, he bought two!  That's the difference between his cooking and mine - his is very precise, he buys the right ingredients and follows the recipe to the letter, whereas I just wing it.

So now I have a carton of cream going spare - and two egg yolks.  That sounds like the bread and butter pudding recipe is called for, along with the two white bread rolls which were put in the freezer when we were going on holiday and I was clearing out the fridge.

Here's the link to the recipe for my b&b pudding:

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