Damsons are blue-black plums about the size of unshelled almonds; not really a fruit bowl fruit, they lend themselves to cooking – as jams and jelly, crumbles and cobblers or for making wonderfully fragrant, heady liqueurs.
They are elusive (unfortunately damson trees are on the wane) and this is about the right time of year to find them, not so much in the big stores but at farmers’ markets and farm shops, where they are pounced on with fervour. If you see them, buy them there and then, because if you go back later you will be very disappointed – they’ll be gone. (http://www.bite-magazine.com/product/211/103/damsons)
Damson Brandy
I saw some damsons for sale today in the Derby Market and couldn't resist buying a few (£4.40 a kg).
Unfortunately this recipe will not be mature in time for this Christmas - but it will be for the 2015 celebrations - although I'm sure we'll have a quick taste before then.
1 kg Damsons
1 litre cheap Brandy
500g Sugar (or less)

- Either make little nicks in the skin of the damsons (or cheat by putting them in the freezer for about 24 hours)
- Put in a bottle or jar along with the sugar and brandy.
- Leave for about a year, turning every few days at first.
Will let you know in a year or so how good this drink is.
Another idea is to cover the brandy-soaked damsons in melted chocolate, having first removed the stone.
Damson chocolate tart recipe, sounds good!: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/recipes/8944863/Damson-and-chocolatetart-recipe.html Here are a few more damson liqueur recipes (must try them!): http://www.fruitliqueurs.co.uk/index.php/page/2/
Damson Jam: http://www.northsouthfood.com/what-to-do-with-damson-gin/
Here are Nigel Slater's damson recipes: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/oct/16/nigel-slater-damson-sloe-recipes
Some interesting recipes: http://frugalinnorfolk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/damson-brandy-and-courgette-fritters.html
A few very useful tips: http://www.cottagesmallholder.com/two-recipes-wild-damson-gin-and-sloe-gin-37/
I'm going to send off for a damson tree so I can try out more of these ideas!
20 October 2014
In the paper today were a couple of letters relating to the fruitfulness of this time of year and giving some more ideas:
- One writer suggests not wasting damsons on gin but to make damson wine. If it's then mulled with spices and a dish of brandy the resulting concoction is enough to bring the children home from all parts of the world to spent Christmas with their parents!
- Another suggests Damson Vodka, which gives a very clean taste; is excellent in a hip flask and also with a dash of champagne. Half a bottle of vodka, filled to the three-quarter mark with granulated sugar and to the top with damsons (pricked with a silver fork), plus a drop of two of almond essence. Lay the bottles on their sides and rotate daily until the sugar is dissolved.
- Or perhaps try 'Brisky' (bramble whisky), substituting blackberries for the sloes and whisky for the gin. Keep for several months (which applies to all these recipes).
- Damson Gin is fine; Damson Vodka is better; Raspberry Whisky is better still (sounds good). Favourite recipe: 1 lb marmalade (preferably home-made), one bottle of gin and a quarter pound of sugar, kept warm for two weeks and drunk after three months. Guaranteed to blow your socks off! (should this be called Misky?)
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