Monday, 24 November 2014


's the oxalic acid that can be toxic in high doses. You'd have to actually eat a lot of it to harm you though! The traditional folklore about rhubarb was that if you plant a piece of stem with your brassicas, it prevents club root. They did a study on it at Edinburgh Uni but sadly, the results were that it doesn't do anything of statistical significance. So still a no to your question I'm afraid as far as I know.

If you are harvesting your rhubarb and planting the last few potatoes at the same time, you could try a traditional deterrent for the cabbage root fly. Instead of employing brassica collars planting the potatoes through a membrane , chop up the rhubarb leaves quite finely and layer them into the potato trench or planting holes. It's said to work a treat.

Yeah they are but if you mix them with 350ml of water and boil them.Then strain the liquid it controls aphids on roses if applied through a sprayer.A useless bit of trivia there.

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